One of the birth stories of the drink is a case where the vaudevillian actor George Jessel, who was suffering from "terrible cake" in Palm Beach, Florida, gave instructions to the Bartender to make a cocktail, so that the unpleasant smell of alcohol would not be noticed in the cocktail. According to some stories, Ernest Hemingway has also been considered the inventor of Bloody Mary. The Bloody Mary was perfectly suited to this man's hand.
However, the Bloody Mary was probably developed by Fernand Petiot. He became a bartender at the age of 16 and claimed to have invented the Bloody Mary in the early 1920s. Later, he moved to the St. Regis Hotel as a bartender in its King Cole bar. Bloody Mary was initially sold there under the name "Red Snapper".
Runsaasti jäitä
4 cl suolan ja pippurin makuista vodkaa
10 cl Tomaattimehua
1 tl Sitruunamehua
0.5 tl Worcesterkastiketta
Vaihe 1
Kaada vodka, tomaattimehu ja sitruunamehu jääpaloilla täytettyyn shakeriin.
Vaihe 2
Lisää 4 tippaa tabascoa ja worcesterkastike.
Vaihe 3
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Siivilöi parin jääpalan päälle highball-lasiin.
Vaihe 5
Koristele sellerinvarrella.